Do you need organic fruit from France for your original jams ? Find out how the sourcing of organic jam takes place at a jam maker committed to the quality of made in France !
July 2020
How do we source organic fruit in France when we cook quality organic jam made in France? Secret of Andrésy Confitures original catalog or tailor-made jams
The consumer wants organic fruit from France!
Organic consumption in general increased by 1.5 billion worldwide between 2018 and 2019 and generated 15% more jobs in France. Even if the organic cultivated areas in France doubled from 2014 to 2019, it should not be forgotten that only 9.5% of agricultural areas are certified organic in France. (source Agence Bio)
Sourcing organic fruit from France to make original jams is a committed process with many constraints to take into account.
Find out how the sourcing of organic fruit in France goes at Andrésy Confitures when you ask your French tailor-made expert for a range of organic jam !

Find organic fruit in France for original jams : 1st step!
All regions of France produce organic fruit. Organic certification brings constraints to limit products and actions for orchard treatment, or cultivation. For example, did you know that only strawberries grown in soil and in the ground can have organic certification?
The terroirs of France good for conventional fruits are also the places where certified organic fruits are grown. You can find organic mirabelle plums in Lorraine, strawberries and raspberries in Corrèze, apricots in Provence, quite naturally!
Depending on the needs of its organic jam catalog or requests for tailor-made recipes, Andrésy Confitures’ R&D department looks for the best arboricultural partners.
Sometimes producers call and spontaneously offer their fruits for Andrésy Confitures’ organic jams.
From the request for fruit to its validation for an organic jam recipe, it can take between 3 and 6 months, sometimes much longer depending on whether: the request is made before or after the harvest period, the producer is reactive to send the samples for testing, the fruit is suitable for the manufacture of original jams, or if the customer takes his time for the validation of the recipe!
Securing the quality of organic fruit for a high-end organic jam : 2nd step !
After research via its partners, the internet or organic agencies and producer associations, the R&D team requests samples and starts quality tests.
The organic fruits received are blind tested : tasted without indication of origin or supplier, they are tasted at the same time as the fruits already selected. If they are better, they will be chosen!
In addition to the qualities sought by Andrésy Confitures, they are also put to the test by the requirements of the jam maker customers who are looking for original and tailor-made jams.
Alice Fournier, responsible for organic sourcing, says : “We sometimes look for very original fruits, in France or elsewhere, for a request for special and tailor-made organic jam. For example, this year we had to source certified organic melon and papaya for a designer who loves this mixture in jam ! “

Guarantee the availability of organic fruits at an affordable price : 3rd step !
We often hear that organic is more expensive than conventional. There can be multiple reasons for these price differences.
It is important to know that organic fruits are found in less quantity than conventional fruits. Firstly, because treatments are limited and therefore orchards and crops suffer more from diseases and insects. Secondly, because organic fruits are mostly sold fresh for grocery stores or supermarkets. The jam makers often only have the unsold items left !
Working a fruit for an organic jam requires irreproachable traceability, follow-up analyzes, preparation of the fruits as well. For example, organic strawberries are mostly fresh and unhulled and therefore require additional manual preparation to prepare organic jam !
Organic producers are often small. Supplying their organic fruit generates significant transport costs which create additional costs. We have to find consolidation solutions !
Some fruits are not cultivated in France and they have to be brought from afar : their transport increases their price. This is the case with the exotic fruits requested from Andrésy Confitures this year : pineapple, coconut cream.
Finally, organic certification is also an additional cost for all the players who must each pass it and put in place additional actions to comply with it : arborist, processor or cooperative, jam maker. Everything must be certified organic, from the first material to the label!
Convinced of organic fruits ? If you are looking for a range of organic jams or if you want to have made-to-measure, certified organic original jams, do not hesitate :
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