Christmas Confit: attractive recipes for your customers, to create or choose among our recipe booklet!
Christmas confit and traditional confits : origins of traditional confits
Do you know why confit recipes were originally created?
The confisage was used to preserve food from one year to the next. At a time when there was no refrigerator, it was necessary to survive in case of a bad harvest.
There are several kinds of “confisage”:
- with sugar: jam!
Cooking fruits in sugar allows them to be preserved for a long time and thus we obtain jams, fruit pastes and candied fruits.
- with vinegar: pickles and confits
Macerate fruits and vegetables (gherkins, capers, onions, cherries, plums…) in vinegar, alcohol, wines and hot or cold marinades also helps to preserve them!
Do you know pickles? They are gherkins, spring onions, or vegetables marinated in vinegar.
A variant of our French confits: chutneys! These spicy sweet and sour sauces, with fruits or vegetables, sometimes both, are very popular in Great Britain and India.

Christmas Confit: a must for the holidays!
It is especially with festive dishes that confits are consumed, hence the traditional Christmas confit.
The confits bring notes of refinement and sometimes exoticism. They are highly sought after by consumers and represent very important seasonal sales.
Confits have become essential on all holiday tables. They accompany the meal, from the appetizer to the cheese, including foie gras, game and poultry, meat and fish.
Don’t hesitate any longer: in your shops or on your menus, to accompany your buffet or room-service catering offer, our confits in individual jars or small formats will seduce your customers!

Christmas confit: what recipes are your customers looking forward to this year?
Like the rest of our recipes, we have developed gentle and respectful cooking methods for our traditional confits or Christmas confits, in copper basins, traditional and gastronomic.
Our confit recipes are always based on fruit, vegetables, a variety of vinegars with different colours and flavours, white or red, or from a particular alcohol, and spices.
This year again, consumers will be looking for classic, well-known and expected confits with certain essential holiday dishes:
- Fig confit to enhance foie gras, duck or cheeses
- Onion confit for cold meats and meats
Your customers may also want to surprise and be a little more original for their holiday meals.
So here are 3 very trendy confit recipes to offer in your shops or catering outlets at the start of the end of the year celebrations:
- Cider confit: an original and sweet accompaniment that goes perfectly with starters, dishes and even cheeses
- Cranberry confit: known in France for game dishes, but have you thought about the Nordic touch it will bring to smoked salmon?
- Rose confit: to put at the bottom of a flute of Champagne for a gourmet and delicate touch!
You will find all our confits in 46g or 125g, and even in an elegant gift box!
To discover our recipes and discover all the delicious recipes of our brand: download the catalogue Les Confitures à l’Ancienne
To order your Christmas confit or book them today:
We answer you by phone or email: always at your disposal!
To contact our sales team by email: Click here
To call us: +33 (0)1 39 75 14 55
Christmas confit: which custom-made and creative recipes can invent Andrésy Confitures for your brand and your customers?
Want a special confit recipe to liven up your brand for the end of the year festivities?
All you have to do is ask: Andrésy Confitures is the French expert in customized recipes with multiple expertises at your service!
To inspire you, here is an overview of the recipes with Christmas confit or everyday confits already created by your manufacturer:
- olives-yuzu, which goes well with poultry and red meat
- cherries and Espelette pepper, ideal with sheep milk cheeses
- red or green tomatoes, to garnish cold fishes, vegetable breads
- apple-manzana : very original with salmon
- for the Nordic countries, which love liquorice, Andrésy has even created a recipe for black cherry-liquorice confit
Do you have other ideas? We take up the challenge!
Entrust your needs to one of our experts: a knowledgeable referent to carry out your project or help you create the ideal recipe to satisfy your customers.
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