Your customers are asking for original and especially more natural jams but you don’t know where to turn ? Trust Maison Andrésy, expert artisanal jam maker since 1952.
Your customers are looking for more natural products because it corresponds to a real trend : organic restaurants are springing up all over France and offer more “natural” gastronomic recipes, everyday products (tea, jams, compotes…), with the organic label, with a simple list of ingredients and other delicacies.
For jams, made of fruits and sugars, what do one mean by “more natural recipes” ? Low in sugar ? Not only !
At Maison Andrésy, we offer you more original and natural jams recipes to make a difference with your customers, natural, simple and always delicious… Discover them in this article !

What do your customers mean by “natural” recipes? Which jams are called original and natural jams?
At first sight, natural recipes are, in the collective imagination, recipes :
– Simple : that is, with little processing, primary ingredients (fruits for jams), and a short list of ingredients
– With ingredients without pesticides or GMO
– With ingredients that are good for the body, with medicinal virtues if possible, and why not even detoxifying qualities for the body? Yes, the holidays are approaching and your customers are already preparing for the January detox!
– With “without” and “without” : recipes with less added sugar (the traditional “-10% sugar” recipes), recipes without gluten or certain allergens, without palm oil…
These are recipes that parents are not afraid to give to their children, that friends or professionals are not afraid to recommend to each other… The confidence of your customers in your products is the most effective way to maintain the good reputation of your business, your hotel or your restaurant!
The “low-fat” or “no-fat” recipe is a simple and obvious answer. But your customers today demand more !
They want something new, and above all, they want taste !
Jam is more than a physical well-being, it is a return to childhood, it is an exultant palate, it is laughter in the kitchen …
These are the promises that Maison Andrésy works on thanks to its expertise to make the difference with original and natural jams.

What does Maison Andrésy’s original and natural jams contain for your customers?
At Maison Andrésy, thanks to our expertise, we create original and natural jams with a wide variety of recipes :
– Jams with honey
– Jam recipes with organic fruits
– Recipes of jams with superfoods (benefits and well-being)
– Or even original associations, like melon and orange, mango and kiwi…
At Maison Andrésy we have several natural jams available for your customers :
Organical jams are already available !
You can already find our organical range for your hotels !
Our range includes :
– Strawberry jams
– Blueberry jams
– Jams with apricot
– Jams with fig
– Jams with chestnut
– And much more…
Maison Andrésy also allows you to have an organic chocolate hazelnut spread! The spread is made with almond milk, which is an ingredient of vegetable origin. Now, these are quite sought after ingredients by your customers because they come from plants. And their taste is very good! This almond milk brings a pleasant smell and a touch of originality.
Do you ever go to the airport ? Go into an EXKI restaurant and try our organical jams !
Why not original and natural jams with birch sugar?
Birch sugar is also called xylitol. It is a natural sweetener derived from the sap of the Birch tree that can replace sugar or honey in any gastronomic recipe. It is quite popular among customers because its sweetening power is lower than traditional sugar and it is of vegetable origin.
You can also discover other alternatives to white sugar in this article.
As a specialist in tailor-made products, we have developed recipes with birch sugar, so original and natural jams recipes !
You can find these original and natural jams by contacting one of our experts.
Do you want to know more? Develop your own original and natural recipes?
Entrust your project to one of our custom jam experts : Contact our custom jam experts.
Contact an expert of your market : click here.
To call us : +33 (0)1 39 75 14 55
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