Why offer the virtues of honey and maple syrup from Canada at breakfast brunch and other new consumption moments?
Mai 2020
Honey and maple syrup from Canada are ingredients directly resulting from Nature, familiar to most of us, and especially claimed for a long time by the demanding customers of the breakfast or the delicatessen.
They could not be absent from the new consumption moments that your customers have been asking for over the past year: breakfast brunch, sweet morning or afternoon snacks, picnics or gourmet breaks during outdoor walks, convivial aperitifs at home or outdoors, and even sauces or marinades for barbecues!
Why add maple syrup and the virtues of honey to your range? How to recognize quality ingredients?
Why offer Canadian maple syrup for new consumption occasions?
Canadian maple syrup is a gourmet and flavourful product, very much in the habits of customers on the American continent. It is first of all to satisfy them that hotels, restaurants, and quality guest houses offered maple syrup for breakfast. Then European consumers appreciated and sought out this natural product, with its characteristic vegetal bud taste.
Why are your customers looking for Canadian maple syrup?
It is naturally sweet, completely natural, and reputedly lower in calories than sugar, agave syrup and honey!
Did you know that its color and taste vary naturally throughout the harvest? Obtained from maple water (sap), brought to a boil, naturally sweetened: Canadian maple syrup is golden and light in taste at the beginning of the harvest period then it becomes dark brown and strong in taste at the end of the season!

How do we recognize a good Canadian maple syrup ?
Canadian maple syrup producers have 4 grades for their products which allow them to determine the best products according to the desired use:
- golden, delicate taste
- amber, rich taste
- dark, robust taste
- very dark, strong taste
The quality of the maple syrup of Canada is classified in 2 categories by the Canadian State:
- Category A, sold in fine grocery stores: minimum dry extract (sugar) content of 66% and maximum of 68.9%, unfermented, clear and uniform in color, without sediment or turbidity, with a characteristic flavor and color, without unpleasant odor, produced exclusively from the sap of maple
- The processing category: a minimum dry extract (sugar) content of 66% and a maximum of 68.9%, it is neither clear nor free of sediment or turbidity, its flavors, colors and odors do not correspond to its class
A real natural delicacy for your customers!

Which virtues of honey make it indispensable for the new consumption moments of your customers ?
Honey is also a natural product, resulting from the interaction of bees with flowers and plants. Your customers ask for it at every moment of gourmet break of the day: to cover a toast, to sweeten a coffee or a tea, and even to make an ingredient of desserts or marinades!
Would you believe that the benefits of the flowers we gather are also found in the virtues of honey?
The bee transmits the virtues of the plants to its honey, which is an excellent fixer of the natural properties of the foraged plants.
In these times when the health crisis makes us look even more carefully at what we eat, it was obvious that your customers could not do without honey!
Honey and maple syrup from Canada in individual jars: the added value of Andrésy Confitures!
So : Canadian maple syrup and honeys would be essential to your ranges in shops of proximity as in hotel and catering ?
At Andrésy Confitures we are convinced of it!
That’s why since the 80’s we have added honeys and maple syrup to our individual jars.

Honeys from France and elsewhere for your breakfast :
We started with the honeys of the French and European regions the most adapted to the needs of the customers of the quality hotels. At the time, offering a liquid honey such as Acacia to sweeten hot drinks and a spreadable honey such as Toutes Fleurs was a real asset to hotel breakfasts.
Would you like to know more about our honey ranges?
Or order directly the honey that suits you in your usual range ?
You want to add Canadian maple syrup to your offer?
We import quality Canadian maple syrup from Citadelle in Canada, which works in a way that respects the maple sap.
Thanks to their know-how, our maple syrup is Grade A, regardless of its color, and its taste is incomparably authentic!
Would you like to order our maple syrup?
Before ordering your Canadian maple syrup from Andrésy Confitures and our honeys, you want to taste our selection first?
To receive samples : contact an expert
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