Reservations are starting again? We accompany you for a unforgettable luxury breakfast with Andrésy Origines!
Mai 2020
This time the summer season is launched!
Everybody in the world is getting excited about the terraces, cultural places and accommodations of the beautiful establishments. Customers are already coming back or booking for the summer season. This time you have to be ready!
We know that this is a lot of work for you because, even more than usual, you want everything to be ready.
How can we help you make this return a celebration and an unforgettable experience for your customers?

Do you know the classification of customer expectations in the hotel industry by their impact on the customer experience?
According to a French decoration magazine specialized in high-end hotels, customer expectations can be divided into different categories :
- basic expectations: classic and expected services, necessary and a source of redhibitory dissatisfaction. Meeting them is therefore inevitable
- Proportional expectations: additional services, which come on top to optimize the customer experience. They are a source of immediate satisfaction
- Attractive expectations: based on emotions, an authentic and original customer experience. They are an undeniable asset fore returning desire.
How does Andrésy Origines help you meet every level of these luxury breakfast expectations?
Did you know that our Andrésy Origines brand was created specifically to meet the needs of demanding customers in the high-end hotel industry in France and abroad?
It is therefore perfectly adapted to meet their expectations

Meeting the basic expectations of breakfast in a beautiful establishment:
Your guests want a luxury breakfast with all the classics of French gastronomy.
- Finding a good French artisanal jam in room service, at the buffet or at the table service is a must. Its absence is intolerable.
- The same goes for creamy honey spreads or liquid honey to sweeten drinks.
Anticipate the proportional expectations for an optimized hotel breakfast:
What needs can our Andrésy Origines brand meet in addition to providing you with an excellent artisanal jam?
- To have a choice: your customers can appreciate being able to choose among several fruits, and also honeys, spreads
- Allow you to satisfy all culinary habits: salted breakfast rather than sweet? The Andrésy Origines catalog includes all the recipes your customers are looking for for continental breakfast
- Feel safe: the individual pot has major advantages in terms of hygiene, food safety and quality. The guarantee strip on the side ensures the integrity of the jar and proves that no one has opened or damaged it before.

Participate in a unique and unexpected customer experience: the luxury breakfast
In order to leave your clients with an unforgettable memory, breakfast is essential because for most of your clients it is the last thing they do before leaving.
How can our Andrésy Origines brand arouse important emotions to participate in the unique customer experience that you offer?
- the pleasure of exceptional fruits: our fruits are all chosen for their gustatory qualities in jams. They have particular varieties and origins. Apricot from Roussillon, Mirabelle from Lorraine, Clementines from Corsica, etc.
To know more about the selection of fruits at Andrésy Confitures
Did you know that we do the same for savory recipes? Our mustard is typical of Dijon, our mayonnaise is a French recipe and our ketchup is an authentic American taste.
- Soliciting 4 of the 5 senses: everything at Andrésy Origines is designed to awaken the senses. The different touch of the grooved jar, the drawings of the labels made by a French artist, the tastes and the good smells of our recipes… A brand 100% worthy of your establishments!
- The respect of the ethical commitments of your customers and your establishment: if you decide to propose our organic recipes, you will be able to affirm your community of eco-responsible commitment with your customers. Did you know that our glass jars are infinitely recyclable?
Learn more about Andrésy Origines bio
To celebrate the return of your customers to your establishments and offer them a unique experience right to the end of their sandwiches, offer them our Andrésy Origines brand for your luxury breakfast offer.
As a Persian proverb says: “Today’s luxury is tomorrow’s need. “
You want to order right away?
Would you benefit from the advice of one of our experts?
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