Do you know the assets of manufacturing the jam in France for your customers ?
Jam on a slice of bread is typical of French breakfasts, foreigners and locals love it. No matter what time of year it is, they will want it for breakfast. This is probably the reason why the French excel in this field of manufacturing.

Jam manufacturing in France : what practices ?
As you may know if you cook a little yourself, fruits can be cooked in many ways and sugar and fruits can be mixed at different times.
Traditional method or variants, here are some examples of methods for manufacturing jam in France :
– Sugar and fruit can be mixed at different times. For example, an old-fashioned method is to add sugar to the fruit before cooking, so that the fruit macerates, soaks up the sugar and gives off its juice. This is a way to start the jamming process before cooking. Attention : the difficulty of this method lies in the control of the confisage, which is very random, and the respect of the balance of the fruit-sugar taste.
– The way of cooking is also a source of variations. The most widespread at home is the cooking with naked fire. It consists in cooking the fruit in a pan or a basin directly on the gas. But the major disadvantage is the risk of caramelization : it is necessary to stir constantly to avoid that the jam sticks to the walls and degrades by caramelization, leading to the coloring of the product.
The artisanal manufacturing method of jams developed by Maison Andrésy in France :
Since 1952, we have developed our method of manufacturing of artisanal jam at the Maison Andrésy but on which criteria ?
– The fruits and the sugar are put at the same time in the basin : the objective being to control the process of confisage so that each gustatory note of fruit is sublimated and not crushed by the sugar.
Note that this method also allows us to respect the food safety of the consumer by always keeping an eye on the recipe !
– A cooking that respects the fruit : for the consumer, it is better to have a jam that is uniformly cooked because it will not have an uneven coloration or a burnt taste. This is why at Maison Andrésy we chose the steam cooking for the manufacture of jams. We try to prevent these inconveniences in our jams top-of-the-range for a greater pleasure of your hosts.
– A cooking by small quantities : they allow more attention from the jam manufacturer during the cooking as well as a successful manufacture. At Maison Andrésy, we prefer to privilege the small quantities of jam in copper basins.
– Copper for the material of our cooking basins : for a faster cooking which prevents the development of moulds. It is also a choice that Andrésy Confitures made.
If you wish to discover more about the reasons of our choice to keep the cooking in copper basin, come to discover it in this article.

The manufacture of artisanal jam in France : which benefits for your customers ?
First of all, there is the incomparable taste, as home-made by your hotel or restaurant. In our jams, your guests will feel the real taste of fruits, even more in our jams with pieces. They will immediately have the image in their mind of the pan on the fire, the smell and the sound of the lapping of the jam that is patiently cooking. It is a real sensory journey that you will offer to your guests.
An artisanal side that will undoubtedly seduce customers who want to do more and better for the planet and for others. Because customers are very sensitive to the craft manufacturing in France in general and even more when it affects what they consume.
Thus, you can find our jams made À l’Ancienne in this catalog.
Order the collections of your artisanal jam manufacturer in all ease at the end of the year !
Convinced by the jam in copper basin ?
To easily order our delicious artisanal jams this fall, use our online ordering service. You will find :
– All our recipes of artisanal jams in direct order: you choose among our 2 brands : Andrésy Origines or Les Confitures À l’Ancienne
– An instantaneous order: no validation by return of e-mail, no additional delay of validation
– An order without intermediary: you place the order directly, without possible error
– The possibility to place your order 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
For detailed instructions on how to use our online ordering service click here.
Would you prefer to receive direct advice from one of our experts ?
Contact us by phone or email: we are always at your disposal !
To contact our sales team by email : Click here
To call us : +33 (0)1 39 75 14 55
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