Seasonal jam: Corsican Clementine or English Marmalade?
November 2022
Traders, hoteliers, think of constituting your stock of jam of season before the winter season!
Soon your customers will be craving citrus fruits – it’s the season! – and in your shelves, it is essential to provide them with seasonal jams, and why not Maison Andrésy artisanal jams?
So, when it comes to citrus fruits, for your local shops, in the mountains or in town, are your customers more interested in English marmalade or Corsican clementine jam?
Discover our special Maison Andrésy recipes!

Citrus jams: the best of seasonal jams in winter!
Although these seasonal jams are difficult to master, they are excellent.
Citrus jams have more character, sometimes even bitterness, but they are all as famous as the other seasonal jams!
These artisanal jams are sought after by customers who love the energizing fruitiness of citrus fruits in the morning at breakfast.
Maison Andrésy’s expertise and experience even brings small variations to the eternal bitter orange jams: the clementines in our jams come from Corsican orchards and have a fruitier taste, they are not bitter!
The jam format is also easy to taste. There is no need to peel the orange or to remove the threads for your children… A jar of 3 citrus jam, some bread or a cake and it’s a successful and above all simple breakfast for your customers!
These seasonal citrus jams are very tasty and are very popular in the morning, on toast or fresh bread.
They go very well with coffee and tea. Our English neighbors even look for these jams at tea time.
Citrus jams are a must for breakfast in hotel buffets, for room service and also for all those who buy their jams in local shops.

Marmalade, seasonal jam, citrus jelly: what are the differences?
Some people speak of “orange jam”, others of “orange marmalade”.
Both expressions are used indifferently by consumers.
But did you know that there is a real difference in recipe and taste?
Here is the legal definition of marmalade: “It is the mixture, brought to the appropriate jelly-like consistency, of water, sugars and one or more of the following products obtained from citrus fruits: pulp, puree, juice, aqueous extract and peel. The quantity of citrus fruit used in the manufacture of 100 grams of finished product is not less than 20 grams of which at least 7.5 grams come from the endocarp (inner skin of the fruit).”
Legally, the marmalade therefore contains a minimum of 20% fruit, much less than the citrus jam: a recipe must contain at least 35% fruit to be entitled to the name jam and more than 45% fruit for the name “extra jam” – which is the case of the jams of Maison Andrésy!
The citrus jelly is made from filtered fruits, to keep only the juice. This juice is then mixed with sugar and cooked slowly until it thickens, this is called clear jelly.
Another method is to crush the fruit and then strain it to obtain a thick pulp to make a pulpy jelly, more fragrant than the clear jelly.
Jellies must contain as much fruit as jams, i.e. at least 35% (with some exceptions for certain fruits). They are also called “extra jellies” when they are made with more than 45 grams of fruit per 100 grams of jelly, which is the case in our House !
Now that you know all the differences between marmalade, seasonal jam and citrus jelly, which recipe do you think is the most appreciated by your customers?

Focus on the Corsican Clementine: a unique fruitiness for a seasonal jam with character!
Your customers appreciate clementines in winter to fill up on vitamins and bring a sweet touch to the end of their meals or at breakfast.
The clementine is a citrus fruit resulting from a cross between a mandarin and an orange! It is a 20th century fruit originating from Algeria.
In Corsica, which offers a particularly favorable climate for this type of fruit, its cultivation has become very important.
This is why, at Maison Andrésy, we buy our fruit in Corsica to guarantee the best fruits for our clementine jams.
Since 1952, we have been promoting the fruits of the French terroirs because we believe in French gastronomic know-how, from the field to the plate!
Discover our other local recipes in the Andrésy Gourmet range by clicking here.
To order your clementine or orange jam, Maison Andrésy offers several quick and easy ways:
- By making a personalized appointment on this dedicated page: contact us
- By calling us, from Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm: +33 (0)1 39 75 14 55
- By sending us an e-mail at this address :
- Finally, for the most high tech of us, you can order all our jams online!
We give you the method here :
- Download the KIMAYO application on your Smartphone available on Google Play or App Store
- Or click on the following link on your PC or Mac:
- Create your account by filling in the required fields on the Maison Andrésy page
It’s quick and easy!
A confirmation email will be sent to you to activate your account.
All you have to do is place your first order of artisanal jams online!
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