Coffee roasters, what new products should you be offering in order to boost sales? Interview with Sylvie Looze, a Belgian coffee roaster.
June 2024
Are you a coffee roaster in France or Europe looking to cross-sell additional products to your customers?
For a roaster, additional sales could include coffee accessories such as cups, coffee grinders, filters, coffee books, special coffee subscriptions, or even coffee tastings. But is this what your B-to-B customers are looking for?
If you sell to hotels and restaurants, corporations or boutiques, you’re going to need a different kind of product.
Here’s a testimonial from Sylvie Looze, head of the Belgian family roastery J.J. Looze, which has been serving hotels and restaurants for over 35 years.
You guessed it: it’s an inspiring story!
Torréfaction Looze: a trans-continental, trans-generational family adventure!
Maison Andrésy: “Sylvie, your family business is called Torréfaction J.J. Looze. Can you tell us what the 2 Js stand for? “
Sylvie Looze: “It’s a question I’m often asked. Originally there were even 3 Js!
Looze is our family name, and the Js come from the first names of my parents and grandfather, who worked together: Joseph, Jacques and Jacqueline. 3 J ! Then, when the company was created before a notary in 88, he forgot one J (yes, he thought all those Js were a mistake!) and that’s how it stayed!
Maison Andrésy: “Sylvie, how did your family get into the coffee-roasting business?”
Sylvie Looze: “First we were coffee growers, then we became roasters.
In the 50s, my grandfather bought a coffee plantation in the Congo, in the Kivu region, off-plan, and took his wife and children on an adventure to the African continent in 1958. They began operating their coffee plantation.
Unfortunately, our coffee trees were not productive. They started a breeding farm and then began to process coffees from neighboring plantations. Then they exported their coffees.
At the time, they had to endure events linked to relations between Belgium and the Congo; then in 1968 they returned to Belgium.
After some hesitation, they decided to take over an existing coffee roastery in Brussels. They also managed 3 coffee shops before diversifying into the sale of raw materials for bakeries.
In 1985-86, my grandfather retired from the business and my father continued alone. In 1993, he found an old farmhouse where he could set up and develop the roasting business. We’re still there!

Who is Sylvie Looze?
“Initially, I was going to study business and marketing. But in fact I loved coffee and this world. I must say that when I was 16-17 I was already going to see the customers with Dad!
At first, it wasn’t easy to find my feet, but little by little I built up my clientele and integrated seamlessly into the restaurant business, always meeting with kindness.
Little by little, I organized the company as I saw fit. I feel I’ve both respected the family tradition and brought roasting up to date with the times!
What about my daughter? She helped me a lot during the confinement, she loves trade shows and meeting customers – but she’s going into humanitarian work, and I support her”.

Linkedin profile : Sylvie Looze
Instagram / Facebook : CafésJJLOOZE
Website :
Maison Andrésy: “Sylvie, what types of coffee do you produce today?”
Sylvie Looze: “We offer a very wide range:
- 15 blends,
- some grand crus of pure Arabica origin
- high-end but affordable Specialty Coffee
- quality origins: Central and South America, Africa, Asia
Maison Andrésy: “What sets you apart from other roasters?
Sylvie Looze: “We have several very specific areas of expertise!
Firstly, we work directly with the producers: in Brazil, Rwanda, Congo – the result of a family history!
We receive the green beans and roast them in small quantities, to respect the coffees.
Later, we offer them in coffees, in Michelin-starred restaurants, or organic bulk stores, delicatessens, farm stores with on-site sales outlets, as well as to companies and individuals.
Above all, we create tailor-made blends for gourmet restaurants to create a unique taste signature for their customers’ latest tasting action.
We taste with chefs and offer them personalized blends that reflect their taste notes and history.
We remain a human-sized company because we value this very personal bond established with our customers: 1 delivery driver roaster, 1 roaster, me of course and my father – who still comes in at 79 to pack on Mondays – it’s his passion!”
STOP! Would you like to discover the J.J.LOOZE roasting plant?
If you’re a hotel, restaurant or grocer in Belgium, this is a great idea!
Looze roasting supplies high-end establishments: from coffee to jams
Maison Andrésy: “Sylvie, what led your father to sell jams to hotels in addition to his coffees?”
Sylvie Looze: “By the 1980s, my father had already introduced our coffees to high-end hotels.
During his visits, he noticed that the jams on offer varied greatly in terms of quality, often not up to the standards of the hotels and their demanding clientele.
So my father set out to find a top-of-the-range jam. During this period, he was given samples of jams made in France, which he tasted and found to be premium.
It was in 1987-88 that he got in touch with Maison Andrésy and started a partnership to distribute the Les Confitures à l’Ancienne brand to hotels in Belgium.”

Providing an extra service to boutiques, cafés, restaurants and chefs: sourcing good trade products?
Maison Andrésy: “At Looze, have you tested other products than jam in food service or retail?”
Sylvie Looze: “Of course we’ve tried to diversify with: tea (stopped during the covid), fruit juices, very original sugars from the CANASUC brand, and a friend’s plant-based milk.
But I don’t want to spread myself too thin. All the more so as there are large distribution platforms based on roasting and supplying coffee and other products. It’s important to stay true to quality and identity!”
At J.J. Looze in Belgium, what are the best-selling jams and trading products?
Maison Andrésy: “What are the products most requested or appreciated by your hotel customers?”
Sylvie Looze: “Most 4* and 5* hotels are committed to eco-labels that require them to reduce waste and do away with individual packaging on buffets. But their guests appreciate superior service and quality, and individual jars of jams and honeys remain a must for room service!
Hotels are consistent on the major flavors: strawberry, apricot, cherry, blueberry and honey.

Some hotel managers and chiefs are diversifying into low-fat recipes and spreads.
Andrésy Instants ketchup and mustard in individual jars sell as well as strawberries!
It’s the American business clientele who are very interested in these products. Peanut paste is also in great demand.
We also supply a lot of honey in individual jars to establishments catering to business customers from the Middle East.”

STOP! Would you like to find out more about Maison Andresy's individual food service pots ?
For over 40 years, we’ve been specialists in the upscale French hotel industry. That’s why we’ve developed recipes and formats perfectly suited to the upscale service of 4* and 5* room-service establishments.
To discover Andrésy Ancienne traditional French jams & Andrésy Instants condiments and honeys, in individual jars, for your room service, simply download the catalogs!
Are you a roaster in France and Europe looking for complementary products for cross-selling and additional sales?
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By the way: Are you ready to order these products?
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