How to choose the seasonal jams for summer for your demanding customers with Maison Andrésy?
June 2022
For the summer, you wish to select seasonal jams that will please the greatest number of your customers?
For the summer, you wish to select homemade jams that are perfect for breakfasts in hotels, inns or guest houses?
For the summer, you want to select BEST SELLER jams for your shelves?
Thanks to Maison Andrésy, discover which are the BEST SELLER jams of the season for the summer.

What are the essential seasonal jams for summer?
Summer brings us some unavoidable tastes with the seasonal fruits.
These are the fruits that everyone associates with summer, young and old!
Some flavors are essential to make your summer a success as a hotelier, restaurant owner or grocer thanks to our artisanal jams:
– Strawberry jam, available in several formats to best suit your customers’ needs: 1kg, 270g, 28g!
– Cherry jam, the fruit of the season par excellence.
– Jam with 4 red fruits: strawberry, cherry, redcurrant and raspberry are there!
The red fruits in general are very appreciated because associated with greediness. Perfect for the summer, these are our BEST SELLER in seasonal jams!

What are the fresh seasonal jams with seasonal fruits?
For the summer, the seasonal fruits are widely appreciated by your customers because they bring the freshness often sought when the sun and the heat are here.
Plus, your customers see this fruit everywhere – and in all kinds of situations! – in grocery stores, in fruit salads after the barbecue with friends, in pies in bakeries and pastry shops, as decoration in stores… so it is logical that they also want it for breakfast or any pleasure moment of the day with seasonal jams!
You have at your disposal at Maison Andrésy with your home-made jams:
– Raspberry with raspberry jam or raspberry jam without seeds
– Redcurrant with the redcurrant jam and the redcurrant jelly with raspberries
– Apricot in all its forms: apricot jam, apricot and slivered almonds jam, almond and orange jam…
Would you like to challenge our R&D department by suggesting new combinations with other seasonal fruits?
Contact our experts!

What are the most original seasonal jams?
You wish to surprise your customers with home-made seasonal jams and Made In France ?
You can differentiate your stalls or your table with an original recipe of a product from the North of France: the rhubarb!
If rhubarb jam has long remained a traditional know-how of housewives, it is however not so simple to make.
It requires real expertise to bring out the fruitiness of the rhubarb and not let its natural acidity take away all the taste notes!
Maison Andrésy’s know-how lies in the mastery of gentle steaming of the plant to obtain a delicate rhubarb jam for the demanding palates of your guests and clients.
You can also find in our catalogs other jams with original alliances !
Maison Andrésy prepares each year its BEST SELLER for the summer and has given you a preview here.
Contact our experts to learn more!
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