You want to offer excellent natural jams to your customers? Why not jams with honey?
The honey became these last years, a super-food put forward a little everywhere. We find it in cosmetics, care or gastronomic recipes.
The benefits of honey and products of the hive are numerous, even if we sometimes do not know them all ! This desire for honey is also found in the conception of jam. Do you know why? What are the differences between honey jams and sugar jams ?

What are the most known benefits of honey and honey jams ?
Because we hear a lot of things but we don’t remember everything, here is a reminder of the well-known benefits of honey :
– Honey would have beneficial virtues for the regeneration of the cells: the antioxydants like flavonoïdes present in honey would support the cure and the regeneration of the cells.
– It would allow to soothe sore throat and coughs. This is why it is often found in herbal teas in winter. Honey would also be effective to nourish chapped lips in winter.
– It would also inhibit the proliferation of bacteria (on a wound for example).
– Finally, in food, it is said that honey would be a good sugar for the body: bringing fructose and not sucrose as in white sugar to the body, it would be easier to assimilate for diabetics.
These benefits for your customers are all found in honey jams.
If you want to know more details about the benefits of honey you can discover them here.

What honey jams recipes to perfectly fit your customers and your brand?
At Maison Andrésy we help and advise you in the realization of your projects.
We have the pleasure of working with renowned beekeepers for whom we have created excellent honey jam recipes that are highly appreciated by consumers !
Each of them wanted honey jams but with different criteria. They all wanted to expand their product lines and what better way to highlight honey than with a honey jam?
Maison Andrésy answered present in these projects with great pleasure !
These beekeepers were able to benefit from the know-how and expertise of Maison Andrésy to :
– Knowing what quantity of honey is ideal for jam.
– Knowing which honey is best adapted to the fruits to have the taste sought by the beekeepers.
– Knowing which association with which fruits is the best in taste. For example, the fig perfectly complements the chestnut honey!
The beekeepers even wanted to make sometimes very surprising associations : melon with orange, onion confit with honey, quince jelly with honey…
Do you also have a project to use your production? Contact our experts.
Sugar or honey in the recipe of jam ? What does the legislation say about honey jams ?
This month we asked on our social networks if your customers would be interested in honey jams recipes and some were very intrigued. Your customers are very attracted by original jams and those with honey are. You just have to satisfy them with the honey jams of Maison Andrésy !
The honey jam consists in replacing a part of the sugar by honey in the composition of the recipe. Unfortunately, not all the sugar can be replaced by honey, otherwise the jam is no longer considered as such by the French legislation.
Thus, only Maison Andrésy, with its know-how and expertise since 1952, can create jams with honey that are excellent for the palate of your guests and clients !
Honey brings a creamy texture and a surprising taste in the mouth for the uninitiated. Your customers appreciate this originality in honey jams.
Want to know more ? Develop your own original recipes ? Discover more in our article or contact us !
Contact an expert of your market : click here.
To call us : +33 (0)1 39 75 14 55
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