Interview with Michèle Lepareur, from the Boulangerie de Neuilly: prestigious jams for a great bakery!
August 2023
The Boulangerie de Neuilly is in the spotlight today!
Are you a local business looking for artisanal products to promote?
If possible, complementary to your own?
We put our questions to Michèle Lepareur, Manager of the Neuilly Bakery, based in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France!

Michèle Lepareur opened her first bakery with her husband in 2002 in Neuilly-sur-Seine.
Of Italian origin, she had intended to go to nursing school in Paris. Working in a bakery to get to know the locals, she never left.
Since then, she has managed 5 bakeries in the Paris region: Courbevoie, Paris, Levallois and Neuilly-sur-Seine.
Interview with Michèle Lepareur, Boulangerie de Neuilly, Neuilly-sur-Seine : prestigious jams for a great bakery!
Maison Andrésy: Michèle, getting your jams from your local bakery is quite an original choice: why?
Michèle: “I first came across Maison Andrésy’s delicious jams at my former employer, the Maison Mulot bakery. We were already selling them like hotcakes.
The regulars know them well and regularly take some from us with their bread. They’re more popular during the vacations, when the children and grandchildren are around!
These are prestigious jams, and I’m proud to have them in our local bakeries!”
Maison Andrésy: Michèle, why did you choose Maison Andrésy jams for your bakery?
Michèle: “Out of habit! When my husband and I opened our first bakery, it was a no-brainer!
What’s more, the old packaging with the kraft cap respected tradition and went very well with the decoration of our first bakery!
These 22 years of loyalty are symbolic of a good relationship and good business.
The relationship of trust with Maison Andrés and Salima, our dedicated sales expert, is important!
The quality of Maison Andrésy jams and their consistency over time are what make them so appealing! They’re a perfect match for our bakery: our lemon tart recipe has been the same for 20 years.”
Find out more about our Maison Andrésy jams?
All our sweet and savory accompaniments are available for your hotels, convenience stores and customers.

Michèle Lepareur
General manager
Boulangerie de Neuilly
- What was your childhood jam?
Michèle: “Fig jam, I could eat kilos of it.
- How do you enjoy jam?
Michèle: “At home with yoghurt! They taste better with real fruit in them.”
- Spoon or knife for serving?
Michèle: “Always with a spoon.
- Who do you dream of sharing a tartine with?
Michèle: “With everyone. I like people and getting to know new people.
- Do you have a jam souvenir you’d like to share with us?
Michèle: “For the holidays, I received an advent calendar from Maison Andrésy with the little jars, and I was touched by the thought.
Maison Andrésy: What jams do you have at Boulangerie de Neuilly?
Michèle: “At Boulangerie de Neuilly, we have almost all of them!
- Mirabelle plum
- Seedless raspberry
- Strawberry
- Wild strawberry
- Blackberry
- Fig
- Clementine de France
- Cherry
- Blueberry
- Vanilla pear
- Apricot
- Bitter orange
- Green tomato
- Quince jelly
- 4 Red fruits
- Chestnut with pieces
- Slivered orange almonds
- Etc…
And we’ve just ordered the honeys and spreads in large format!”
Want to find out more about our customized recipes?

Michèle, any final words?
Michèle: “Long live Maison Andrésy!

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