Apricot jam: a know-how at the service of French gastronomy
July 2022
It is the season of the apricot in France!
Your customers see them in the markets, in the delicatessens or even in decoration in some shops… And rightly so!
This juicy fruit is very much appreciated by all fine palates in summer.
All your greedy clients would like to taste it in home-made jam !
Discover Maison Andrésy’s apricot jam, an exceptional jam for your demanding customers!

Demanding sourcing for a flavourful apricot jam!
From which demanding fruit sourcing do our apricot jam recipes benefit?
The apricots – like all the other fruits selected by Maison Andrésy for its artisanal jams – must respect a very precise schedule of conditions.
These specifications are built beforehand to guarantee your customers an exceptional taste.
Maison Andrésy, thanks to its 70 years of experience as a jam maker, has established certain indispensable criteria.
Here are some examples of the criteria that are scrupulously observed throughout the production process:
- Picking at maturity: for the taste of course – always the first criterion in our Maison ! – because the apricot must be exposed to the sun to reach its maximum sugar content and ripeness
- The method of cultivation: at Maison Andrésy, we want well grown fruits, which have had time to grow properly, to develop all their characteristic flavors, to guarantee an exceptional taste to your guests and customers!
- Conformity to the variety: we are looking for natural taste, color and aspect characteristics
- Suitability for cooking in jams: for fruits suitable for jamming, whose flesh can withstand heat and whose natural characteristics favor osmosis between fruits and sugars, which is essential for jamming!
And many other criteria for apricot jam to discover by contacting our experts!

What benefits does Maison Andrésy cooking bring to apricot jam?
Steaming: a typical Maison Andrésy know-how…
In our experience, steaming is the best way to cook jams and therefore apricot jam.
This gentle cooking method allows us to obtain a jam that is cooked evenly.
Thanks to the copper basin, we can easily control the cooking time of our artisanal jams.
This is the 70 years of experience of your expert jam maker!
… Coupled with the copper basin for a typical artisanal production!
You may have already seen it on our social networks or our blog, Maison Andrésy makes its jams in authentic copper basins!
The apricot jam is no exception!
But why use a basin?
This shape is ideal to guarantee a homogeneous cooking and a good mixing of the ingredients of each preparation.
Copper also allows to :
- Distribute the heat well thanks to its exceptional thermal conductivity, well known in gastronomy;
- Fight against fungi and rotting thanks to its natural anti-bacterial qualities.
We also fight against the potential “green-grey” aspect of the jam which can be caused by copper and which can be dangerous for health.
The sugar and the acidity of the fruits naturally protect the home-made preparation so there is no risk of “green-grey” between copper and Maison Andrésy apricot jams!

An apricot jam recognized in the French gastronomy
Maison Andrésy’s jams are very popular in the hotel and restaurant industry in France and even abroad!
We supply the most beautiful palaces and hotels in the region, in Paris, in Europe and elsewhere!
This popularity is also recognized by :
- IFS FOOD : a very demanding certification in food which guarantees the respect of the safety of the consumer throughout the manufacture of the artisanal jam for which we improve our note each year, with a rigorous follow-up of our productions of jams by our quality department and the implication of all our teams
- AB organic : of course some of our jams are organic and we are proud to renew this official label every year thanks to the seriousness of our sourcing and the expertise of our production and administration teams
- EPV : we are declared Living Heritage Company by the French Ministry of Agriculture because we respect the traditional gestures of manufacturing artisanal jam and perpetuate the French gastronomic tradition, with an international influence
- Producer and Craftsman of Quality: the quality of our jams is recognized since years by our customers and the French starred chefs of the Culinary College of France. What a recognition that of these so demanding palates!
As if all these quality mentions were not enough, we are committed to an active Social and Environmental Responsibility approach, shared by all our employees and rewarded by the gold medal awarded by ECOVADIS and the GLOBAL COMPACT.
You can therefore make your customers travel with confidence thanks to our world-renowned French know-how in gastronomy!
We have made you envy with our artisanal production of apricot jam to please your customers?
Whether you are a hotel, a pastry chef, a delicatessen or a wine shop, order your traditional apricot jam from Kimayo now by discovering the instructions here!
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