After the spring and summer jam fruits, which autumn jam recipes will you propose to your customers?
October 2020
At the breakfasts of quality hotels or in stores, which autumn jam can you propose to please your customers ?
We are hearing more and more about following the seasons for our consumption of fruits and vegetables. Jam is precisely made to preserve and consume fruits out of season. Thanks to the confinement of the fruits in sugar, you can enjoy your spring or summer fruits in any season or you can enjoy delicious recipes of autumn jam.
Do you really know which fruits allow this seasonal jam and which recipes your jam maker can offer you?

Spring jam recipes: vitamin-packed fruits!
From March to June, every year spring gives us the gift of vitaminized fruits to replenish our energy.
Kiwis, rhubarb, strawberries, raspberries, redcurrants, cherries … spring fruits from our temperate regions are rich in antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and especially flavors and smells that put you in a good mood!
To offer a slice of spring jam for breakfast or for a snack is a real pleasure for the eyes, the nose and the taste buds.
The most popular recipes of spring jams are traditionally simple, single-fruit recipes: strawberry jam of various varieties, cherry jam from the very famous soils of Eastern France, raspberry or redcurrant jellies.
The experience of a producer of traditional jams such as Andrésy Confitures allows us to invent spring jams recipes that marry fruits to better suit the tastes of consumers:
- rhubarb combined with raspberry to soften it.
- Strawberries, raspberries and cherries sometimes spiced up with a touch of redcurrant which gives a very tasty red fruit jam.
- Cherry and thyme, for a recipe perfectly adapted to sheep’s milk cheeses.
- Kiwi and lemon to increase the strength of the tangy flavors.
- etc

Which summer fruits for seasonal jams ?
Summer fruits are full of delicacy and if they are often yellow or orange, some of them bring very pleasant green or purple touches on the shelves of the stores and even more on the toasts !
From June to September you can find apricots, melons, nectarines, peaches, plums, blackberries, blueberries, and even green or red tomatoes.
It is important to know that not all varieties of fruit give the same results in seasonal jam. To advise the best variety of fruits for premium seasonal jams, you need all the know-how of a jam maker like Andrésy Confitures who has been working the best fruits in copper cauldrons since 1952.
For example :
- some varieties of fruit are very delicate and are destroyed by the heat of the confinement like melons, watermelons or tomatoes, to give a creamy texture without pieces.
- others such as peaches and nectarines will have too subtle flavors compared to the amount of sugar legally required to crush their flavors.
- Most varieties of blackcurrant have a skin too hard for confiscation and are more suitable for processing into blackcurrant cream than for cooking jams.
- For your brand of jam, summer season jams allow creative blends with herbs or spices.
Andrésy Confitures knows how to create really delicious and original recipes for one-shot flavors:
- apricot, orange, pistachio
- Blackberries, blueberries and pine nuts
- Cherry and Tonka bean
- Orange Melon
- Etc

Autumn jam recipes: a delight for your customers
With sweeter and more delicate flavors, autumn fruits give sweet and comforting jams that are very appreciated by hotel guests at the buffet or in room service: figs, apples, pears, grapes, quinces, oranges, lemons, clementines, etc.
Autumn is also the season for nuts, which blend so well with fruits from all over the year: hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, chestnuts, etc….
A traditional autumn jam recipe is the famous half fig-half grape that many chefs revisit with raisins, almonds or walnuts, herbs such as laurel …
At Andrésy Confiture autumn jams from our historical recipe book are always available in the stores :
- apples pears walnuts
- Quince jelly
- Violet Figs
- Sweet and bitter orange marmalade
- Clementine Chestnut
- Chestnut specialty
Do you want to offer seasonal jams to your customers in hotels or stores?
Ask for a list of all our recipes or have one created especially for you by our R&D department!
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