How did the expertise of Maison Andrésy allow Bleu Blanc Ruche to create its excellent honey jam ?
A honey jam ? What is it ?
A honey jam is simply a jam of which a part of the sugar was replaced by honey.
That is to say that during cooking, instead of incorporating only sugar to enhance the taste of the fruits and preserve them longer, your expert jam maker replaces a defined quantity of sugar with honey, which is also a taste enhancer.
Moreover, according to the gustatory notes of honeys, some bring a light, floral or even woody touch… a greedy touch more in jams!
But did you know that not all sugar can be replaced by honey ? Indeed, because of the heat of cooking, honey develops substances that are harmful to humans if they are present in large quantities. It is the expertise of Maison Andrésy which allowed Bleu Blanc Ruche to know which quantity of restocking honey they could insert in the recipe of their honey jam.

What is the repopulate honey of Bleu Blanc Ruche, used for its honey jam ?
Bleu Blanc Ruche is a company of passionate people who help beekeepers who respect bees by paying them more than the market price. This solidarity supports the bees in their work of pollination, so important step for the survival of the majority of the species of plants and insects.
We are all aware today that bees are threatened by global warming, pollution and diseases. They are less and less numerous for the important task of pollination, necessary for the reproduction of plant species.
This is why Bleu Blanc Ruche wants to help them repopulate by buying their honey from French beekeepers at a price higher than the current market price, in exchange for which they commit to invest in their farms to increase the number of their hives and therefore the number of bees.
Nice initiative for the good of all, isn’t it?
How to order your honey jam from Bleu Blanc Ruche ?
You can go directly to the Bleu Blanc Ruche website and view their catalog.

How did Maison Andrésy accompany Bleu Blanc Ruche in its project of honey jam, honey of repopulation ?
Your artisanal jam maker works with the fruits coming from the Nature. How not to be delighted at the idea of a project as eco-responsible as that of the honey of repopulation of Bleu Blanc Ruche ? It is therefore with pleasure that our teams have mobilized to participate in the mission of Bleu Blanc Ruche, by responding to their request in 2019.
We took the time with Bleu Blanc Ruche to validate the veterinary certificates for the bees, the food safety controls and to respect the regulations. We also had to rethink the cooking of the jams and be careful when we were going to incorporate the honey in the recipes in order to :
– not to denature it
– to keep all its taste present at the tasting
For the recipes, we had to make adjustments to succeed in 3 recipes : two classic flavors and one more original. The R&D department worked on the right quantities of honey and fruits as well as on the textures. Adjusting the right quantities of honey depended mainly on the quantity of sugar naturally present in the fruits. This quantity depends on the quality of the harvest. For example, the mirabelle plum is very soft and sweet this year. It therefore required less honey in its manufacture as honey jam.
And as Bleu Blanc Ruche wished honey jams 100% Made In France, Maison Andrésy mobilized sugar cultivated in France (DOM TOM) without pesticides.
Finally, concerning packagings, it is the passionate people of Bleu Blanc Ruche who took the reins since they already had images in head for their honey jams. Then, Maison Andrésy was able to provide them the corresponding packagings thanks to their wide catalog and to their partnerships with suppliers. It is that also to be expert on measure for its customers !
After all, it was a work hand in hand between Bleu Blanc Ruche and Maison Andrésy and after 7 months, the production of pots could finally begin !
You too, you have a custom-made jam project with an eco-responsible mission, a use of your production ?
Entrust your project to one of our custom jam experts : Contact our custom jam experts
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