The irresistible appeal of seasonal products: boost your in-store and retail sales at the end of the year!

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September 2024

In the dynamic world of retail, where competition is fierce and trends change at lightning speed, it’s essential to find ways to stand out from the crowd and boost sales.

One of the most effective strategies for doing so is to harness the power of festive goods. Do you?

These items, which appear and disappear with the seasons, have a particular appeal for consumers, and offer many advantages for local stores and businesses of all kinds: delicatessens, cheese shops, wine shops, fruit and butcher’s shops, etc.

Our event products are back for Christmas, Candlemas, Valentine’s Day and more…

Why are they an essential sales asset?

Here are 7 reasons why you absolutely must order our recipes and event products 

1. Responding to changing consumer needs and desires

The seasons punctuate our lives and influence our purchasing behavior. In winter, we look for comforting, nourishing recipes, while in summer, we prefer light, fresh recipes.

Seasonal products respond to these specific needs, enabling consumers to feel in tune with their environment. 

By offering products adapted to each season, you show that you understand your customers’ expectations and that you’re listening to their desires.

Did you know? When it comes to food, the French love seasonal products. Could it be the same for your domestic market ?  

According to an Ipsos study, seasonality is the number one choice factor for 36% of French people when buying fresh fruit and vegetables, even surpassing price (21%) and appearance (14%). This preference for seasonal produce demonstrates a real appetite for items in phase with the calendar.

Christmas, in particular, is a key consumption period: Christmas has a considerable impact on the retail sector, and seasonal products are of crucial importance to retailers. By proposing a range of products tailored to consumers’ expectations during this festive period, you can maximize your sales and contribute to the magic of Christmas.

2. Creating a sense of urgency and scarcity

Seasonal products have a limited shelf life, which creates a sense of urgency among consumers.

They know that if they don’t take advantage of the opportunity to buy these items now, they may not find them again later. This scarcity stimulates the act of buying and encourages customers to visit your boutique or e-commerce site to make sure they don’t miss out on these exclusive offers.

Did you know? Advent calendars are ephemeral, yet they generate more and more sales!

Advent calendars appeal to all generations: While children remain the main recipients of Advent calendars, more and more adults are succumbing to this tradition (and yes, why not?).

 Advent calendars for adults, often more sophisticated and upscale, are enjoying growing success.

Social networks amplify the trend: Advent calendars have a strong presence on social networks, where influencers and consumers share their discoveries and favorites. This visibility helps to reinforce the appeal of these products, and arouse the desire to buy these seasonal products among your customers.

In 2017, Statista found that 30% of French people had bought an Advent calendar. By 2022, according to a Nielsen study, sales of Advent calendars had risen by 15% on the previous year, reaching sales of several million euros. A real consumer craze for this festive product. 

STOP! Have you ordered your jam advent calendars from Maison Andrésy?

Want to attract new customers? Build loyalty among your regular customers by offering them a mini jam Advent calendar? To get them on sale in November, order today!

 3. Renew the offer and generate interest

By offering new seasonal products on a regular basis, you avoid monotony and keep your customers interested. Every season brings its share of new products and surprises, encouraging consumers to return regularly to your store to discover the latest trends. This dynamic creates expectation and excitement, which helps build customer loyalty.

For example 

  • from November to the end of January:

Maison Andrésy has created 2 Christmas recipes, 3 confits to enjoy with foie gras, poultry and other festive dishes, Pour Fromages recipes for tasty cheese platters.

  • in January:

Our recipes are available in 1kg format – super gourmet for the whole family at Chandeleur, the essential jam festival!

  • February:

LOVE jam is ideal for Valentine’s Day (we also love it for Mother’s Day and Grandmother’s Day in May and June!).

4. Stimulate impulse sales and build loyalty among your regular customers 

Seasonal products are often associated with festive events or moments of relaxation, which encourages impulse buying. By highlighting these items in an attractive way, you can encourage customers to treat themselves or their loved ones.

Great additional sales and another opportunity to build customer loyalty (or attract new ones!).

Did you know? Statistics clearly show that cheese is an essential seasonal product for the end-of-year festivities in France.

Cheeses play a central role in festive meals at the end of the year in France, and the statistics confirm it:

  • Strong sales growth: According to the Centre National Interprofessionnel de l’Economie Laitière (CNIEL), cheese sales increase by an average of 30% over the Christmas period.
  • The French eat more cheese at Christmas: A Kantar Worldpanel study shows that cheese consumption per household increases by 15% during Christmas week.
  • Cheese platters are very popular: Cheese platters are a staple of festive meals. They account for around 40% of cheese sales during this period.
  • Certain cheeses are particularly popular: AOP (Appellation d’Origine Protégée) cheeses like Comté, Roquefort, Brie de Meaux and Camembert de Normandie are particularly appreciated for their quality and taste. Blue-veined cheeses such as Bleu d’Auvergne and Fourme d’Ambert are also highly sought-after for their festive character.
  • Goat’s cheeses are increasingly popular: Goat’s cheeses, lighter and more easily digestible, are winning over more and more consumers during the festive season. They add a touch of freshness and diversity to cheese platters.
maison andrésy - recettes spéciales pour fromages

STOP! Are you looking for products to generate additional sales with your cheeses?

Maison Andrésy has created recipes specially adapted to cheese tasting : less sugar and more fruits, and a secondary ingredient to sublimate your tasting. Discover them and order them for your shops !

5. Improve visibility and attract new customers

By offering seasonal products, you’ll attract new customers to your stores, those who push open the door on purpose for a festive product (and will come back for your back-of-shelf items!).

What’s more, seasonal items can be used to create original communication campaigns on your social networks, which will attract the attention of new customers.

Did you know? By creating traffic on your networks, seasonal products generate in-store traffic.

Today, social networks are a must for retailers and brands. Why is that?  Of course, they enable you to create a community, communicate and build loyalty, but above all, they generate in-store traffic. 

90% of consumers say they buy from brands they follow on social networks, and 57% say that social networks influence their purchasing decisions (sources Sprout social and Adespresso).

6. Optimize inventory management

Seasonal products have a relatively short sales cycle, which facilitates inventory management. In fact, you can anticipate demand and adjust your orders accordingly, which limits the risk of overstocking or out-of-stock situations. What’s more, selling these items at discounted prices at the end of the season frees up space for new collections and avoids financial losses.

Did you know? Christmas shopping starts early 

A survey conducted by OpinionWay reveals that 30% of French people start their Christmas shopping as early as November, or even earlier. This underlines the importance of anticipating demand and offering seasonal products right from the start of the festive period.

STOP! Want to order Maison Andrésy seasonal products today?

Send us your order by mail : our export team will reister it or contact you for more informations. 

Need some advice? Prefer to talk to someone? We’re here to help: +33 (0)139 751 455

7. Increase profitability

  • You can sell seasonal products at higher prices than conventional items, thus increasing your profit margin. What’s more, demand for these products is generally high, guaranteeing a good stock turnover rate and a rapid return on investment. 
  • So why not make the most of Maison Andrésy’s seasonal products for the festive season?
  • Advent: with our Advent calendar and its 25 mini-confits
  • Christmas and New Year’s Eve meals: offer our 2 exclusive Christmas recipes with family breakfasts, our 3 confits with your festive dishes, and our Pour Fromages recipes with your cheese platters 
  • Chandeleur: never without 500 and 1 kg jars of Andrésy Ancienne jams!
  • Valentine’s Day: discover our LOVE recipe 
Maison Andresy - festive goods

So now, are you convince that seasonal products represent a powerful growth lever for stores and retail players ? 

By responding to changing consumer needs, creating a sense of urgency and scarcity, renewing the offer, stimulating impulse sales, improving visibility and brand image, optimizing inventory management and boosting profitability, these items help to boost sales and ensure the success of your business.

Don’t hesitate to exploit their potential to set yourself apart from the competition and build customer loyalty, within Maison Andrésy’s seasonal products !