Logo Andrésy Confitures

Prestige Offer

Andrésy Origines and Andrésy Gourmet offers.
Brochure Offre Prestige Andrésy Confitures
Traditional French artisanal methods
À la carte d’Andrésy Origines, retrouvez des parfums authentiques inspirés des confitures de vos souvenirs

Red check - Andrésy ConfituresWe have the product that you need!

Including monofruit or fruits mix, Andrésy Confitures proposes more than 600 recipes!


Red check - Andrésy ConfituresTailor-made

Andresy Confitures is known for being specialist in private labelling and tailor-made products.


Red check - Andrésy ConfituresQuality labels

Andrésy Confitures has earned the Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant label for the quality of its recipes.

Red check - Andrésy ConfituresLe « Made in France »,

For over more than 60 years, Andrésy Confitures is working with the most famous french chefs.

The products.


For over more than 60 years, Andresy Confitures has been able to enhance the natural flavour of the fruits.
Andresy confitures is specialized in the production of tailor made products and projects